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Dan Passen

Sanborn Statement on “Creator” Omission

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PRESS CONTACT: Ross Berry,, (603) 644-9531


Sanborn Calls Out Democratic Party for 4th of July Tweet, Disregard of Our Creator
Sanborn Condemns Intentional Omission of Democrat Party

Manchester, NH – Today, Republican Congressional Candidate Andy Sanborn responded to a tweet sent out on the 4th of July by the New Hampshire Democrat Party that intentionally misquoted the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence, omitting the phrase, “by their Creator.” Of note, the tweet is 233  characters and well short of Twitter’s 280 threshold and could have easily included the missing phrase. Sanborn issued the following statement:

“Frankly, the Democrat Party’s blatant disregard for our nation’s founding documents doesn’t come as a surprise anymore, but to intentionally omit the single line of the Preamble that acknowledges that we are endowed by our Creator is a new low. On the Fourth of July, no less,” said Sanborn. “This omission flies in the face of most Granite Staters who believe that we are, in fact, endowed by our Creator.  The Democrat Party’s lack of respect for those who practice faith and for the Declaration of Independence itself, as well as their desire to rewrite and ignore our founding history is appalling and deeply disturbing.”

“We’re now living in an era in which the radicals that are running the Democrat Party believe that our ‘unalienable rights’ should be bestowed upon us solely by government, rather than our God or by virtue of our humanity.” said Sanborn. “I call on Chris Pappas, Maura Sullivan, and Levi Sanders to join me in condemning the position that their party has taken. Not only is it out of touch with the voters of New Hampshire, it is disrespectful to those who do believe in a higher power.”



On July 4th, the New Hampshire Democrat Party tweeted out, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed…with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” The quote from the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence was altered to leave out the phrase, “…that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights…”



Paid for by Sanborn for NH

Sanborn Releases 30 New Endorsements

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Manchester, NH – Today, State Senator Andy Sanborn released thirty new endorsements for his campaign for US Congress in NH’s first congressional district. The full list of endorsements can be viewed here. Sanborn issued the following statement:

“The support for our campaign continues to grow with residents throughout New Hampshire. This only further demonstrates that the first congressional district is calling for a proven conservative like me to represent them in Washington.  For too long, the silent majority has been ignored and disregarded by both political parties and their elected officials. I promise them that when I am elected to represent them in Washington that I will fight for them and their personal liberties and protect their pocketbooks from the lobbyists and special interests.

“As we get closer to the primary election, I know that our grassroots army will only continue to grow and usurp our competition and prove that the message of individual liberty and freedom will prevail. I want to say thank you to all of our endorsers and activists for their strong, resilient support.  They know that talk is cheap and when the heat is on they know that I am the only candidate who can win this race and hold the seat and will stand on the same value set and principles that I have run on since first launching my campaign nearly a year ago.

—Newly added endorsements can be viewed below:

First Last Title
Henry Ahern Veteran, Farmer, Business Owner
David Arseneau
Ryan Bernier Inside Sales / Blogger -Young Americans for Liberty
Ron Bettencourt
Nan Bettencourt
Bruce Boyer
Steven Carbone President/Atomic Fireworks Inc.
Cheryl Cataldo Wife of Sam Cataldo
Billy Cuccio Restaurant Owner
Laura Fitzgerald Business Owner, Veteran
Lisa Gravel Conservative Activist
Kim King
Frank Kotowski State Rep, Chairman of HHS&EA Policy
Becki Kuhns
Dave Kuhns IT Security Professional
June Marshall
Dick Marston Former State Representative
Greg McCann Activists
Jayme MCCann Activists
Patrick McDougall Salem GOP
Richmond Nunn Retired Military
Ken Patey Constitutional Conservative
Joe Pitre State Rep
David Recupero Former Town Moderator
Dan Russell
Dale Sanford
Paul Schlie
Bo Szanto
Michael Thornton
David Werner Former Civil Attorney



Diplomacy Works

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Last week, North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un announced that North Korea will be ending its nuclear programs.  Shortly following this announcement, Kim met with South Korean president Moon Jae-in to sign a formal document, effectively ending the 65-year conflict between the North and the South.  Moon credited President Trump with contributing in a big way to the “huge” meeting between the two states.

The great news here is that diplomacy worked.  One of the differences between myself and my opponents is they seem all too eager to send troops into foreign places and start wars.  President Trump’s use of diplomacy through strength is what should always be applied first.  And as you know, I believe only Congress has the ability to declare war.

Yet here we are.  We have a mainstream media that has yet to give proper credit to the Trump administration, and we have Democrats that refuse to acknowledge the truly exciting and historic reality that has just occurred.  The President has done what no other President has been able to do: bring some sort of stability and calm to the Korean Peninsula.  He has performed a truly amazing feat and he deserves a great deal of credit.  As always, I believe we should use some cautious optimism here and as Ronald Reagan said “trust but verify.”

As your Congressman, I will stand up to the bullying media and the fall-in-line Democrats when the United States makes history such as this.  The leadership in Washington has become more focused on false narratives and quick “gotcha” clips to the point that it cannot even focus on what is truly important: peace in this world.  As your Congressman, I will advocate for peace and I will advocate for you. Enough is enough.


Always working for you,


Andy Sanborn