PRESS CONTACT: Ross Berry, Press@AndySanborn.com, (603) 644-9531
Sanborn Calls Out Democratic Party for 4th of July Tweet, Disregard of Our Creator
Sanborn Condemns Intentional Omission of Democrat Party
Manchester, NH – Today, Republican Congressional Candidate Andy Sanborn responded to a tweet sent out on the 4th of July by the New Hampshire Democrat Party that intentionally misquoted the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence, omitting the phrase, “by their Creator.” Of note, the tweet is 233 characters and well short of Twitter’s 280 threshold and could have easily included the missing phrase. Sanborn issued the following statement:
“Frankly, the Democrat Party’s blatant disregard for our nation’s founding documents doesn’t come as a surprise anymore, but to intentionally omit the single line of the Preamble that acknowledges that we are endowed by our Creator is a new low. On the Fourth of July, no less,” said Sanborn. “This omission flies in the face of most Granite Staters who believe that we are, in fact, endowed by our Creator. The Democrat Party’s lack of respect for those who practice faith and for the Declaration of Independence itself, as well as their desire to rewrite and ignore our founding history is appalling and deeply disturbing.”
“We’re now living in an era in which the radicals that are running the Democrat Party believe that our ‘unalienable rights’ should be bestowed upon us solely by government, rather than our God or by virtue of our humanity.” said Sanborn. “I call on Chris Pappas, Maura Sullivan, and Levi Sanders to join me in condemning the position that their party has taken. Not only is it out of touch with the voters of New Hampshire, it is disrespectful to those who do believe in a higher power.”
On July 4th, the New Hampshire Democrat Party tweeted out, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed…with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” The quote from the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence was altered to leave out the phrase, “…that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights…”
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